SEPTEMBER 24, 2024 – 10:00 A.M.
Pursuant to M.S. 375.07, the Pennington County Board of Commissioners met in the Pennington County Justice Center Board Room in Thief River Falls, MN, on Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Members Present: Seth Nelson, Roy Sourdif, David Sorenson, Neil Peterson, and Bruce Lawrence. Members absent: None.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nelson and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Chairman asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Hearing none, there was a motion by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Recognition of Citizens: None.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the County Board minutes of September 10, 2024, as written. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the following Commissioner warrants, to include a warrant in the amount of $235.98 payable to Ace Hardware of TRF. Motion carried.
County Revenue $121,825.27
Road & Bridge $ 45,990.40
Solid Waste Facility $ 184.65
Ditch Funds $ 5,437.06
A meal reimbursement in the amount of $19.46 was also approved.
Human Services Director Julie Sjostrand presented the consent agenda from the September 17, 2024, Human Service Committee meeting. On a motion by Commissioner Sorenson and seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, the following recommendations of the Pennington County Human Service Committee for September 17, 2024 (detailed minutes on record) are hereby adopted:
I. To approve the August 20, 2024, Human Service Committee Meeting minutes.
II. To approve the agency’s personnel action as presented.
III. A. To approve the CY 2025 Purchase of Service Agreement with the Occupational Development Center and Pennington County Human Services, as presented.
B. To approve the purchase and installation of the following items and services from Garden Valley as quoted and presented: 2 Laptops
I. To approve payment of the Agency’s bills.
J.T. Anderson – MnDOT District 2 Engineer, and Brian Ketring – MnDOT District State Aid Engineer, met with the Board. Following introductions, Mr. Anderson discussed their collaboration with counties in the district regarding programs such as TZD and a new upcoming program called ‘Impact Teen Drivers’. He noted that Engineers design projects with safety in mind and to lessen the effects of accidents. Recent improvements to roads include 6” wide road-edge striping and the use of recessed, reflective road striping. Roundabouts were discussed and how they help to eliminate deadly crashes at busy intersections. Future projects were discussed including the Highway 59 corridor project and projects for Highway 32 and 59 which will make in-town sidewalks ADA-compliant. The Board thanked them for their report.
County Sheriff Seth Vettleson presented the following items:
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the hire of Mardy Anderson as Full-Time Sentence to Serve Crew Leader. Motion carried.
Mr. Vettleson discussed a recent BCA audit and upcoming requirements for his department, including third party monitoring of their server. He presented a quote from Splunk for digital monitoring and security services for a period of three years, which could be paid for with 911 funds. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve a contract with Splunk for digital monitoring and security services with a one-time cost of $4,990 for implementation/knowledge transfer and $9,500 annually. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
Sheriff Vettleson noted that a public hearing was held today at 9:00 a.m. in the Board room regarding a proposed policy on body cameras. He presented the following quotes from Motorola Solutions and Axon Enterprise, Inc. entailing 5-year agreements to include the purchase of body cameras, related hardware, software, and refreshes (how often the cameras are replaced during the contract period):
Motorola Solutions $91,380.63
(two refreshes; no redaction software)
Motorola Solutions $78,314.56
(no refreshes)
Axon Enterprise, Inc. $44,872.40
(one refresh)
Axon Enterprise, Inc. $71,041.40
(two refreshes; w/redaction & Spanish translation)
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the quote by Axon Enterprise, Inc. in the amount of $71,041.40 for the purchase of 12 body cameras, related hardware, software, two refreshes, and redaction and Spanish translation capabilities; to be paid for with a $24k grant and public safety funds from 2023. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve a policy on portable audio/video recorders (body cameras) for the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office as presented at the Public Hearing held today at 9:00 a.m. in the Justice Center Board Room. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
County Engineer Mike Flaagan presented the following items:
Reiner Township reached out to the Engineer stating the township would like to take over approximately 2.5 miles of County Road #97 north of Highway 1. State statute requires a public hearing regarding the proposed change, and the township has proposed a hearing date/time of October 24, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Reiner Town Hall. If approved at the hearing, the board can vote on a resolution. Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to hold a public hearing at Reiner Town Hall on October 24, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. regarding the proposed conversion of approximately 2.5 miles of County Road #97 to township road. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
Mr. Flaagan discussed quotes received for a sand/salt spreader for a highway department pickup, which could be used in the local roundabouts the county is responsible for.
Bert’s Truck Equipment $10,906.00
Iron Valley Equipment $ 7,788.00
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the quote by Iron Valley Equipment in the amount of $7,788.00 for a new sand/salt spreader for the Highway Department. Discussion followed with the Engineer noting that both quotes featured a poly (plastic) hopper on the spreader. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
The Engineer noted that local projects are wrapping up so they are working on surveying ditches relating to the recent cleaning petitions received. CD#96 surveying should be completed soon; JD#1 and JD#11 cleaning petitions are awaiting survey completion by Red Lake County. Mr. Flaagan stated that CD#96 cattail spraying will be done in 2025. Discussion was held on the use of large drones for spraying of fields and ditches.
Commissioner Lawrence noted that the Solid Waste Committee will meet tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. to discuss the transfer station (recycling) building and the space allocated to the county, which is currently used by the Highway Department for equipment storage. The Engineer stated that he will send Maintenance Foreman Joe Garry to the meeting.
Auditor-Treasurer Items:
Ms. Herzberg notified the Board that temporary help is needed for the night of the 2024 General Election. Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to authorize the County Auditor-Treasurer to hire 1-3 people on a temporary basis to assist with the 2024 General Election on November 5, 2024. Motion carried.
Ms. Herzberg discussed the 2025 proposed levy and the breakdown between the various funds, noting that following additional cuts the levy is down to 5.5% with an option of 5.25%. Commissioner Peterson questioned the remaining terms of the Justice Center bonding, to which Ms. Herzberg replied they were 20-year bonds that started in 2018. She noted that the levy is reduced by County Program Aid, which has been reduced for 2025.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the following resolution, the 2025 proposed levy of 5.25%, and the County budget as written. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Pennington County Board of Commissioners have reviewed the 2025 budgets submitted by the various departments; and
WHEREAS, the proposed levies have been reduced by the amount to be received from the State of Minnesota for the following: County Program Aid – $1,071,847 (estimated).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proposed budgets for 2025 are approved and that the following proposed levies be adopted:
Levy Before CPA $8,582,339
CPA $718,137
Net Levy After CPA $7,864,202
Road and Bridge
Levy Before CPA $1,829,602
CPA $150,059
Net Levy After CPA $1,679,543
Levy Before CPA $2,531,366
CPA $203,651
Net Levy After CPA $2,327,715
G.O. Jail Bond
Levy Before CPA $759,577
Net Levy After CPA $759,577
G.O. Justice Center CIP Bond
Levy Before CPA $380,205
Net Levy After CPA $380,205
*County Program Aid
Commissioner Peterson wished to thank the county departments for their work in keeping the budget down as much as possible and he is hopeful that the 2025 county levy can still be reduced to approximately 4%.
County Coordinator Items:
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to accept the resignation of Full-Time Crime Victim Advocate Angela Larson with a tentative term date of November 1st, 2024. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to authorize the County Coordinator to advertise for the position of Full-Time Crime Victim Advocate. Motion carried.
County Coordinator Kevin Erickson discussed a recent RFP conducted by Integrity Employee Benefits for the county’s supplemental long-term disability insurance. The Hartford offered matching benefits with a 36% rate reduction, two-year rate lock, and no Evidence of Insurability requirements. Motioned by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, to approve a change in carrier for county employee long-term disability insurance from NIS/Madison National to The Hartford effective 1/1/25. Motion carried.
County Attorney Items:
Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase discussed the Assistant County Attorney vacancies, noting that applications are being received and interviews will be conducted soon.
Committee Reports / Commissioner Updates:
Commissioner Nelson reminded the Board that a joint meeting between the City of TRF, Pennington County, and ISD #564 will be held on October 2nd, 2024, in the Lincoln High School Training Center at 6:00 p.m.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to adjourn the Board meeting to October 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried.
Kevin Erickson, County Coordinator
Pennington County
Seth Nelson, Chairman
Board of Commisioners
Warrants approved
on September 24, 2024
For Payment on September 27, 2024
Vendor Amount
H2OVER VIEWERS $4,057.28
HILLYARD INC. $2,224.40
IHLE SPARBY & HAASE, PA $16,935.00
LEXIPOL $2,054.88
67 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2000 $30,701.43
Final Total: 173,437.38