NOVEMBER 12, 2024 – 10:00 A.M.
Pursuant to M.S. 375.07, the Pennington County Board of Commissioners met in the Pennington County Justice Center Board Room in Thief River Falls, MN, on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Members Present: Seth Nelson, Roy Sourdif, David Sorenson, Neil Peterson, and Bruce Lawrence. Members absent: None.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nelson and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Chairman asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. County Coordinator Kevin Erickson stated the closed session has been removed from the agenda. Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, to approve the agenda with the change presented. Motion carried.
Recognition of Citizens: None.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the County Board minutes of October 22, 2024, and October 24, 2024, as written. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the Auditor and Manual warrants for October 2024 totaling $2,476,244.54 and the following Commissioner warrants. Motion carried.
County Revenue $147,807.42
Road & Bridge $ 33,518.05
Solid Waste Facility $ 5,945.08
Ditch Funds $ 24,708.40
Per diems and meal reimbursements in the amount of $2,800.00 were also approved.
County Sheriff Seth Vettleson presented the following items:
Two quotes were received for the purchase of new squad vehicles:
Northern Motors
2024 Chevrolet Tahoe $56,425*
Thief River Ford
2025 Ford Explorer $44,429*
*pricing does not include taxes, titling, and licensing fees
Mr. Vettleson requested permission to order two Ford Explorers to be paid for with the 2025 budget. Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the quote by Thief River Ford and authorize the Sheriff to order two 2025 Ford Explorers at the quoted price of $44,429 plus tax, title, and licensing, to be paid for in 2025. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to authorize the County Sheriff to readvertise for the position of Correctional Officer. Motion carried.
Sheriff Vettleson noted he has received multiple calls from the public regarding the search function of the online jail roster, which is part of the Pennington County Sheriff’s website. He wished to inform everyone that searching for a specific name does not work and noted that a blank search will result in the entire jail roster being displayed.
County Engineer Mike Flaagan presented the following items:
Mr. Flaagan distributed to the Board copies of a revised draft county policy on snowplowing. He noted that language has been generalized with some names and locations being removed, which should result in less updates in the future. He will discuss the policy at a future Board meeting.
Engineer Flaagan discussed a request from the Red River Watershed Management Board to help fund a flood management project in the amount of $15,000 per county in the district. He is checking with other county engineers regarding the request and noted that a contribution deadline was not given. Mr. Flaagan will pass along the request to the Board members for their review and consideration.
Mr. Flaagan stated that a search for a used utility truck for the highway department has resulted in several options, including a 2012 Ford F-550 utility truck with utility box with 180k+ miles for $19,750. Boyer Trucks has the state bid and they have a 2022 Ford F-350 with 56K+ miles for $64,910, and a 2022 Chevrolet 3500HD with 33k+ miles for $63,583. Mike requested permission to purchase the Chevrolet 3500HD. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the purchase of a 2022 Chevrolet 3500HD utility truck at the price of $63,583, to be paid from the 2024 budget. Motion carried.
Engineer Flaagan noted that the two trucks we have on order from Boyer Trucks should be done later this year, with one to be paid from the 2024 budget and the other from the 2025 budget. The trucks will have to be sent in for their accessories.
Mr. Flaagan noted that the highway department will continue to work on and mow county ditches for as long as weather allows.
Mr. Flaagan noted that he has yet to receive a resolution from Reiner Township regarding the turnback of 2.5 miles of County Road #97. He did some research and the road was graveled by the county within the last year or so.
The Engineer noted that a meeting was held last week with the landowners along CSAH#11, also known as County Road #62. Attendance was good and a lot of resident questions were answered. He noted that the idea to annex the area into the City of TRF was overall not well received by the residents.
Auditor-Treasurer Items: None.
County Coordinator Items: Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the hire of Debra K. Butler as Crime Victim Services Advocate effective November 18, 2024, at the current grant wage of $24.76/hour. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the hire of Anthony E. Mapes as Director of Veteran’s Services effective November 13, 2024, at step 1 wage rate of $26.04/hour. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the hire of Alan G. Rogalla as Part-Time, Temporary Assistant County Attorney effective November 13, 2024, at the wage rate of $75.00 per hour. Discussion followed with Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase discussing the work Mr. Rogalla will assist with in the attorney’s office. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, to approve the reappointment of Commissioner Peterson to the Thief River Falls Regional Airport Authority for a 3-year term effective January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2027. Motion carried.
County Attorney Items: Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase expressed his thanks to the Board for the hire of Mr. Rogalla as part-time, temporary Assistance County Attorney, as he will bring a lot of experience to the office and his assistance is much needed at this time.
Committee Reports / Commissioner Updates: Commissioner Peterson discussed an opening on the Association of MN Counties Board for the position of Secretary/Treasurer.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to adjourn the Board meeting to November 26th, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried.
Kevin Erickson,
County Coordinator
Seth Nelson, Chairman
Pennington County
Board of Commissioners

Warrants Approved on
November 12, 2024 For Payment
on November 15, 2024
Vendor Name Amount
HEALTHCARE $21,612.42
CONSULTING $2,475.00
FLEET SUPPY $35,595.73
H2OVER VIEWERS $3,656.46
SERVICE $5,545.00
COOPERATIVE $18,595.00
SOLUTIONS $13,016.16
TRF, INC. $18,850.00
SERVICES $3,700.00
THE TIMES $4,151.18
LOCATION LLC $7,700.00
NORTH DAKOTA $2,771.00
$2000 $26,467.06
Final Total: $211,978.95