NOVEMBER 26, 2024 – 10:00 A.M.
Pursuant to M.S. 375.07, the Pennington County Board of Commissioners met in the Pennington County Justice Center Board Room in Thief River Falls, MN, on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Members Present: Seth Nelson, Roy Sourdif, David Sorenson, Neil Peterson, and Bruce Lawrence. Members absent: None.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nelson and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Chairman asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. County Coordinator Kevin Erickson noted that County Assessor Carl Bruzek has been added to the agenda at 11:00 a.m. Motioned by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the agenda with the change presented. Motion carried.
Recognition of Citizens: None.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the County Board minutes of November 12, 2024, as written. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the Human Services warrants totaling $266,335.16 and the following Commissioner warrants. Motion carried.
County Revenue $109,811.92
Road & Bridge $11,719.41
Solid Waste Facility $3,656.46
Human Services Director Julie Sjostrand presented the consent agenda from the November 19, 2024, Human Service Committee meeting. On a motion by Commissioner Lawrence and seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, the following recommendations of the Pennington County Human Service Committee for November 19, 2024 (detailed minutes on record) are hereby adopted:
I. To approve October 15, 2024, Human Service Committee Meeting minutes.
II. To approve the agency’s personnel action as presented.
III. A. To approve the CY 2025 MFIP/DWP Employment Services Purchase of Service Agreement with the Career Force Center as presented.
B. To approve the Adult Protection and Child Support Performance Report.
C. To approve the Board Resolution for the Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility in Clay County as presented.
D. To approve the Second reading and final review of the Time Reporting and Targeted Case Management Standards Procedures & Policy as presented.
E. To approve the CY 2025 ACS/SWS Support Services Agreement between TriMin Systems and Pennington County Human Services as presented.
F. To approve the purchase of Office desk equipment from Connect Interiors as presented.
I. To approve payment of the Agency’s bills.
MN Dept. of Corrections District Supervisor Janelle Cheney presented an update to the Board. She discussed their budget and funding formulas and noted that new legislative funding will increase reimbursements up to 50% from the current 26%-30%. She reviewed the goals of the supervision program, which includes reducing recidivism. Program incentives are offered to educate those on supervision which is proven to reduce recidivism as compared to only jail sentences. Ms. Cheney then reviewed the Comprehensive Plan for Pennington County dated July 2024 and requested formal approval of the Plan. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the Pennington County Comprehensive Plan dated July 2024 for the DOC probation services. Motion carried. The Board thanked Ms. Cheney for her report.
County Engineer Mike Flaagan presented the following items:
Mr. Flaagan informed the Board that the Kratka bridge project is complete and he is recommending final payment to Redstone Construction, LLC, noting a total project cost of $2,857,956.87. The following resolution was motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, and upon vote was unanimously carried.
WHEREAS, Contract No. 2303 (SAP 057-622-007) has in all things been completed, and the County Board being fully advised in the premises,
NOW THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, that we do hereby by accept said completed project for and on behalf of the Pennington County Highway Dept. and authorize final payment as specified herein.
Engineer Flaagan discussed a proposed three-year agreement with Esri which grants the county access to their GIS license software. The agreement also includes Red Lake County and the City of Thief River Falls, which maximizes benefits and lowers each entity’s cost. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve a three-year GIS software access agreement between Esri and Pennington County, Red Lake County, and the City of Thief River Falls, effective upon date executed, at an annual cost of $10,421 per entity. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, to approve and authorize the University of Minnesota – Extension to complete a study for Pennington County on a local option sales tax at the quoted cost of $3,000. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Sorenson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve an updated Pennington County Snow Plowing Policy as presented by the County Engineer at the last Board meeting. Motion carried.
A meeting to discuss ditch levies was set for December 17, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in Meeting Room A of the Government Center.
County Sheriff Seth Vettleson presented the following items:
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve a request by Full-Time Corrections Officer Jackie Grindeland to transfer to Part-Time Corrections Officer effective November 26th, 2024. Following discussion on hours and scheduling, the motion was carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the promotion and transfer of Tara Harstad from Full-Time Corrections Officer to Full-Time Jail Sergeant effective November 11, 2024, at the wage step 3 rate of $26.59/hour. Motion carried.
Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase read aloud language pursuant to MN Statute 13D.05 regarding the ability of the Board to move into closed session to discuss allegations or charges against a County employee, Preston Altendorf, who is subject to the Board’s authority. Mr. Altendorf was present and requested that the Board meeting be closed.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to move the Board meeting into closed session at 10:31 a.m. pursuant to MN State Statute 13D.05 to discuss allegations or charges against a County employee, Preston Altendorf, who is subject to the Board’s authority. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to move the Board meeting back into open session at 10:50 a.m. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to accept the resignation of Full-Time Corrections Officer Preston Altendorf effective November 26, 2024. Motion carried.
County Assessor Carl Bruzek presented the following items:
Mr. Bruzek presented an Application for Abatement by Brian Klopp regarding parcel ID# M17.09104300 located in Sanders Township. Township Assessor Roger Schmitz assessed the mobile home as new, later learning the home was built in 1998. Mr. Schmitz valued the home at $40,300 for the 2025 assessment. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the application for abatement by Brian Klopp to abate the tax to reflect the $40,300 value on the mobile home. Motion carried.
Mr. Bruzek discussed a draft county abatement policy that he distributed prior to the Board members. The draft was modeled after other MN county abatement policies. Commissioner Peterson recommended that the Board review the draft policy and discuss it again at a future Board meeting in December.
Auditor-Treasurer Items:
Auditor-Treasurer Jennifer Herzberg discussed a quote by Know iNK, LLC in the amount of $39,164 for 18 electronic election poll books/pads that would take the place of election rosters and election day voter registration applications in future elections. The City of TRF would share in the purchase. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sourdif, to approve a quote by Know iNK, LLC in the amount of $39.164 for the purchase of 18 election poll pads, software, and licensing with a County share of $21,758 to be paid via election grant. Motion carried.
County Coordinator Items:
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the reappointment of Cindy Dallman and also the appointment of Elizabeth Jahn to the Pennington & Red Lake County Public Health & Home Care Board for two-year terms effective January 1, 2025. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve a Purchase of Service agreement between Pennington County and Sanford Health Network North dba Sanford Thief River Falls Behavioral Health Center, whereas Sanford staff will assist with substance abuse issues related to students within any school located in Pennington County for the period of October 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025, at a monthly cost of $4,750 to be paid with opioid settlement funds. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to approve the appointment of Commissioner Seth Nelson to the NW MN Multi-County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for a 5-year term effective January 1, 2025. Motion carried.
Mr. Erickson informed the Board that the County will be holding an online auction through Public Surplus from December 11-17, 2024, for surplus items such as office furniture from the former Human Services building. Ads will be placed in the local papers and notices will be posted on the county website, in-house, etc.
Coordinator Erickson reminded the Board and others present that the next County Board meeting was rescheduled to December 12th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., and a Public Hearing on a Cannabis Ordinance will be held prior at 4:00 p.m. in the Justice Center Board Room.
Mr. Erickson then reviewed the proposed Pennington County Ordinance to Regulate Cannabis Businesses, summarizing the main sections of administration, registration, business requirements, temporary cannabis events, lower-potency hemp edibles, and use in public places. He noted that the Association of MN Counties provided an ordinance template and we have consulted with other counties in drafting our ordinance. The county cannabis committee has met several times with the City of Thief River Falls as well regarding cannabis and their ordinance plans.
County Attorney Items:
Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase informed the Board that Part-Time, Temporary Assistant County Attorney Alan Rogalla has started work and things are going very well.
Mr. Haase noted that he is working with the Auditor-Treasurer on a new records system for the County Attorney’s office. The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is requiring a new system or server for records but has not provided a deadline. Due to fund availability, he would like to purchase the new server in 2024 at an approximate cost of $14,000 and implement the system in 2025. Garden Valley Technologies is working to ensure a quoted system will meet all required specifications, so he will bring a quote(s) to a Board meeting in December.
Committee Reports / Commissioner Updates:
Commissioner Lawrence informed the Board that Waste Masters LLC dba Les’s Sanitation was seeking a letter of recommendation for their desire to provide services to the City of Crookston. Due to timelines, the Solid Waste Committee approved the request and sent a letter of recommendation from that Committee.
Commissioner Peterson informed the Board that the NW Juvenile Training Center has approved the membership of Itaska County. He also noted that the Board members and a few other County staff will be attending the AMC Annual Conference in Bloomington, MN from December 9-11, 2024.
Motioned by Commissioner Sourdif, seconded by Commissioner Sorenson, to adjourn the Board meeting to December 12th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Motion carried.
Kevin Erickson, County Coordinator
Pennington County
Seth Nelson, Chairman
Board of Commisioners
Warrants approved
on November 26, 2024
For Payment on November 27, 2024
Vendor Amount
COLE PAPERS, INC. $2,057.02
H2OVER VIEWERS $3,656.46
IHLE, SPARBY, & HAASE PA $15,000.00
51 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2000 $21,470.17
Final Total: $125,187.79