by April Scheinoha
Joel Stolaas has been involved in a laundry list of Pennington Soil and Water Conservation District conservation programs over the years. He has now been honored for his efforts.
The Oklee farmer has been named the 2021 Pennington SWCD Outstanding Conservation Cooperator. He said it is nice to be honored.
Stolaas farms about 1,500 acres, including about 35 acres of rented land. His crops include wheat, soybeans and alfalfa. In the past, he also raised dairy cattle. However, that portion of the farming operation ceased in 2000.

Stolaas is the fourth generation to work on the family farm, which was established in 1904. For years, he worked beside his dad, Orlan. In the late 1990s, Orlan retired from full-time farming. Once a farmer, always a farmer though. He continues to provide assistance to his son by hauling grain carts and moving trucks. Stolaas’ son-in-law, Jeff Krein, also provides some help on the farm.
Stolaas and his wife, Leann, live in Deer Park Township. They have a daughter, Kelsie (Jeff) Krein, and two grandchildren.
Each year, Pennington SWCD honors an Outstanding Conservation Cooperator from one of three regions in Pennington County. This year, the award winner was selected from an area that encompasses Deer Park, Goodridge, Hickory, Highlanding, Kratka, Reiner and Star townships.
Stolaas and other Outstanding Conservation Cooperators will be honored in December at a ceremony in Bloomington.
Stolaas received the honor for his involvement in various SWCD programs. He has had two Conservation Stewardship Program contracts. In the past, he has utilized wildlife-friendly haying, GPS pesticide applications, drift reducing nozzles, and tissue testing for nutrient management.
His current CSP contract includes planting pollinating plants, monarch butterfly habitat and cover crops. He also engages in wildlife-friendly harvesting.
Stolaas has also participated in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program by constructing a side-water inlet and utilizing residue pest management. He is also certified in the Minnesota Agricultural Water Quality Program. In addition, Stolaas serves on the advisory committee for the Clearwater River One Watershed, One Plan.