by April Scheinoha
The Pennington County Board is readying its crystal ball. At their meeting Tuesday, March 12, commissioners scheduled the upcoming Five-Year Road and Bridge Plan meeting. The public hearing will be held Tuesday, April 23 at 9 a.m. at the Justice Center.
The plan will include potential road and bridge projects for the next five years.
Commissioners hold a public hearing prior to considering the plan, which is updated yearly by County Engineer Mike Flaagan and commissioners.
Flaagan provided an update on construction of the Kratka bridge. He said the crew has pulled forms for the south pier and planned to pour the forms for the north pier Thursday. The following week, the crew expected to remove the cofferdams. Work is then expected to commence on the slopes. “Things are going well for that project,” Flaagan said.
Redstone Construction LLC is replacing the County State Highway 22 bridge at a cost of about $2.8 million. The project will be covered by state bonding proceeds and state aid funds. The bridge is set to be completed in July.
Commissioners met in closed session for about 35 minutes to discuss pending litigation. An unnamed county employee has filed suit against the county. County Board met with County Attorney Seamus Duffy and Kendra Olson, an attorney with Pemberton Law, to discuss the matter. That firm has historically represented the county on employment matters. After reopening the meeting to the public, commissioners took no action on the issue.
Commissioners had previously met in closed session for 50 minutes with Duffy and Olson to discuss the matter Feb. 27.
County Board authorized overtime of up to 80 hours in March and April for the County Assessor’s Office. County Auditor-Treasurer Jennifer Herzberg said this is a busy time for the office, which is preparing for open book metings.
Commissioners authorized the Highway Committee to hire an equipment operator if it so chooses. Flaagan reported the Highway Department had 16 applicants for the position vacated after the retirement of Stu Peterson. He said the committee planned to interview five. The Highway Committee was granted the authority since County Board doesn’t meet again for two weeks.
County Board approved seeking quotes for shoulder work and striping on state aid routes.
County Board accepted a quote from Bergstrom Electric to install an alarm light. Bergstrom provided a quote of $1,340 to install the light, which will alert staff if the lift station pump fails at the Solid Waste Transfer station.
The next County Board meeting is scheduled Tuesday, March 26 at 10 a.m. at the Justice Center.