Thief River Falls Times & Northern Watch – Official Page

Community Strong seeks funding for annual event

by April Scheinoha

Community Strong is gearing up for its annual Be the Voice event. Community Strong representatives Sarah Lefebvre and Kayla Jore appeared before the Pennington County Board at its meeting Tuesday, July 9. They sought a $5,000 appropriation to support Be the Voice, a mental health and suicide prevention event. Commissioners took the request under advisement.

Community Strong will host Be the Voice on Thursday, Sept. 12 at Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls. The event will feature speaker Emma Benoit. A suicide attempt left her paralyzed at age 16. Benoit now uses hear experience to help others. Benoit will speak at 7 p.m. Before Benoit’s presentation, an expo event and meal will be offered from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

In an interview with The Times, Jore said organizers plan to run the 5K a little differently than in years past. Expect to see more information in the future.

Earlier on Sept. 12, Benoit will speak to LHS and Goodridge High School students at LHS as part of a presentation geared toward them. That evening, her Be the Voice presentation will be geared toward the community at large.

Sponsorships are covering the costs related to Benoit’s presentations. Community Strong has partnered with Hope Coalition, a northwest Minnesota suicide prevention coalition, which is sponsoring and helping to organize Benoit’s appearances in Thief River Falls and Roseau. Benoit is expected to speak in Roseau earlier that week.

Even though Benoit’s portion of Be the Voice has been covered, Lefebvre said funding is still needed for such things as the meal, T-shirts and advertising. That’s why she and Jore were before commissioners seeking funding.

Last year’s Be the Voice event impacted 300 people, Lefebvre said. Throughout the year, Community Strong also held mental health awareness events at a Goodridge boys basketball game, a Thief River Falls girls basketball game and various other events where it shared information and resources about mental health and suicide prevention.

County Board Chairperson Seth Nelson has attended many of Community Strong’s events. He said it was amazing and fun to see the community involvement. Nelson specifically mentioned the Goodridge event where all the kids participated by wearing shirts and socks supporting mental health awareness. He indicated it served as a way for everyone to bond and come together. Nelson commended Community Strong on its excellent work.

Besides the Be the Voice event, Community Strong also plans to hold a mental health awareness night, possibly at a hockey game between Thief River Falls and Warroad. Other activities are planned in the future as well.