by April Scheinoha
The start of a new year meant it was time to reorganize for the Pennington County Board. Prior to the County Board meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7, Commissioners Bruce Lawrence, Seth Nelson and Dave Sorenson, as well as County Assessor Carl Bruzek, recited the oath of office.
At their meeting later that morning, commissioners approved the following organizational matters:
County Board appointed Roy Sourdif as chairperson. In a separate motion, commissioners appointed Sorenson as vice chairperson.
Commissioners approved various appointments. To name a few, they included:
All of the commissioners were appointed to the Road, Bridge and Culvert Committee; the Human Services Committee; and to serve as delegates to the Minnesota Association of Counties.
Commissioners were also appointed to various building and maintenance committees, including:
• Government Center – Sorenson, Lawrence, County Coordinator Kevin Erickson and Auditor-Treasurer Jennifer Herzberg
• Human Services Building – Lawrence, Sorenson, Erickson and Human Services Director Julie Sjostrand. Commissioners decided to keep this committee until they have decided how they wish to proceed with the former Human Services building.
• Law Enforcement Center/Justice Center – Lawrence, Sorenson, Erickson and Sheriff Seth Vettleson
• Highway Committee – Lawrence and Commissioner Neil Peterson
• Solid Waste Committee – Lawrence and Commissioner Seth Nelson
• Labor/Personnel Committee – Lawrence and Peterson
• Technology Committee – Nelson and Lawrence
• Gravel Tax Committee – Lawrence and Peterson
• Law Enforcement Committee – Lawrence and Peterson
• Emergency Management Committee – Nelson and Sourdif
• 911 Advisory Committee – Sorenson
• Advance Thief River Board – Sourdif with Sorenson as the alternate
• Thief River Falls Chamber of Commerce Board representative – Sourdif
• Northwest Regional Library Board and Thief River Falls Public Library Board representative – Sourdif
Commissioners were also appointed to various other committees in the community.
Commissioners reappointed Dr. Scott Petrescue as county coroner for 2025.
County Board reappointed Larissa Fitzgerald and Linda Helgeland to three-year terms on the Pennington County Extension Committee.
Commissioners approved an engagement letter with Hoffman, Philipp and Martell PLLC for the 2024 county audit. The Thief River Falls firm will receive $25,800 to complete the audit.
Tony Mapes, veterans service director, introduced himself to commissioners. Mapes began serving in the position seven weeks earlier. He indicated that he is required to complete three main trainings before he is ready to serve veterans. Mapes expected to be finished with all three trainings at the end of the month.
Mapes said his goal was to be caught up on about 16 claims for veterans in the next 30 days. He noted that many veterans are unaware of the PACT Act, which expands VA health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxic substances.
Commissioners reappointed Peterson to the Northwest Juvenile Training Center board. Peterson was appointed to another four-year term on the board.
County Board accepted donations received in 2024. Those donations included $800.72 for the DARE Program and $50,766.80 for Sentence to Serve. The STS donations were for wood and miscellaneous services.
The next County Board meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 10 a.m. at the Justice Center.