Thief River Falls Times & Northern Watch – Official Page

Knights of Columbus Ice Fishing Derby in TRF set for Feb. 2

The 68th Annual Ice Fishing Derby, hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 4619, will be held Sunday, Feb. 2, from 1 to 3 p.m. The fishing derby will be held near the Eighth Street bridge, down the street from Northland Community and Technical College in Thief River Falls. The derby is open to all ages.

Ice holes will be drilled, so participants only need their favorite fishing rod. Minnows are provided free by the Knights of Columbus. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources rules apply to this event.

A drawing for one $1,000 prize, one $500 prize and five $100 prizes will be held at 3 p.m. on the ice. Raffle tickets are available from council members, at most convenience stores, KTRF Radio or at the entrance for the fishing derby. Winners need not be present to win, but they must be at least 18 years old. Proceeds from the fishing derby go toward the Knights’ college scholarships, and hospice and youth programs.

Additionally, $100 will be awarded for the largest northern and largest walleye caught during this event. A $50 cash prize will be awarded for the first fish weighed in. These prizes are available to anyone fishing on the ice.

Many area businesses provide donated prizes that are given away during the fishing derby. A concessions stand, serving hot dogs, brats and hot chocolate, will be available.

If you have any additional questions, contact Robert Buresh at 218-686-0245. Donations for the raffle can be sent to Hilary Stoltman at 432 Baken St., Thief River Falls, MN 56701.