by April Scheinoha
A Thief River Falls woman has been charged in Pennington County District Court for her role in a two-vehicle accident while she was fleeing from law enforcement Friday afternoon.
Michelle Marie Holter, 50, has been charged with felony fleeing a peace officer in a motor vehicle, felony second degree assault with a dangerous weapon, misdemeanor reckless driving, misdemeanor fourth degree driving while impaired – controlled substance and petty misdemeanor speeding 90/60 mph.
A warrant has been issued for her arrest after she has been released from the hospital.
An ambulance transported Holter to Sanford Medical Center in Thief River Falls. She was later airlifted to Sanford Medical Center in Fargo, N.D. A Minnesota State Patrol report listed her injuries as life-threatening at the time of the crash report. An updated status report isn’t available.
The other driver, 48-year-old Dale Jeffrey Westerlund of Thief River Falls, and his passenger, 42-year-old Dustin Ray Holmstrom of Newfolden, weren’t injured in the crash. The complaint indicated that Westerlund’s evasive actions prevented the crash from being a head-on collision.
Holter is accused of intentionally trying to collide with the Westerlund vehicle while impaired by 10-mg THC drinks. A sheriff’s deputy began pursuing Holter’s vehicle Friday afternoon after a different accident had been reported outside of Holter’s home. Holter, who was reported to be “extremely impaired,” had allegedly left the scene about 30 minutes earlier. Law enforcement also learned that Holter had allegedly gone to a Thief River Falls convenience store and asked staff how to use a gun. Shortly thereafter, the pursuit occurred with speeds reaching up to 90 mph. The crash was reported at 12:08 p.m. Friday on Highway 32 between 190th and 200th streets northeast. That location is a few miles north of the city limits of Thief River Falls. While waiting for an ambulance, Holter allegedly told Chief Deputy Scott Mekash that she was supposed to die that day, but she didn’t want to hurt anyone. She also spoke about hearing voices saying that she was Jesus Christ.
The charges stemmed from a report of an accident outside of Sherwood Park Townhomes, 321 Sherwood Ave. N. According to the complaint, a man reported that Holter was extremely impaired and her 2017 Chevy Tahoe had struck a Chevy Silverado parked at that location. A Thief River Falls police sergeant had also learned Holter had been to Erl’s Market, where she asked staff how to use a gun. They said Holter had tried to get into a vehicle other than her own and later drove away in her own vehicle.
A sheriff’s deputy soon observed the suspect vehicle parked in the 1300 block of Main Ave. N. When he attempted to make contact with Holter, she allegedly drove through a ditch and then proceeded northbound onto Highway 32. The deputy and other law enforcement officers pursued Holter, who weaved over the center line numerous times and traveled between 70 and 90 mph on the highway, which has a speed limit of 60 mph.
Before reaching a railroad crossing, Holter allegedly drove into the path of Westerlund’s oncoming southbound 2021 Chevy Silverado. To avoid Holter’s sport utility vehicle, Westerlund drove onto the shoulder and the railroad crossing. The complaint indicated that Holter was completely in Westerlund’s lane and continued driving toward the pickup truck. Her vehicle struck the driver’s side rear bumper of Westerlund’s pickup truck. The complaint indicated Westerlund prevented a head-on collision between the two vehicles.
After hitting the pickup truck, Holter’s vehicle then struck a railroad arm and entered the west ditch. The pickup truck also came to rest in a ditch. The complaint alleged that it appeared Holter had intentionally struck Westerlund’s pickup truck.
With their firearms drawn, law enforcement approached Holter’s vehicle and instructed her to show her hands. She didn’t respond. Chief Deputy Scott Mekash cut the airbags of the vehicle and identified Holter as the driver. She was trapped in the driver’s seat. Mekash informed her an ambulance was on the way. While they waited for the ambulance, he stayed with her to monitor her breathing. During that time, Holter allegedly told Mekash that she was “‘supposed to die today,’ but she did not want to hurt anyone.” She “also indicated that she had been hearing voices in her head, telling her she was Jesus Christ and wanted Deputy Mekash to tell people she was Jesus Christ.”
The Thief River Falls Fire Department extricated Holter from the vehicle. Sanford Ambulance soon transported her to Sanford Medical Center in Thief River Falls. While medical staff and Mekash waited for Sanford AirMed to arrive, Holter experienced a medical event requiring intubation. Since lifesaving measures were occurring, Mekash determined that a blood sample was urgently needed from Holter. He then obtained and executed a search warrant for the blood sample, which was sent to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
A Thief River Falls police sergeant learned that Holter had been drinking Tackle Box Treasures 10-mg Delta-9 THC drinks. Witnesses allegedly showed the sergeant a garbage can containing at least 12 empty THC drink containers believed to have been consumed by Holter. They thought she had consumed more containers of the THC drink that weren’t inside the garbage can. The witnesses allegedly said that Holter consumes five to six boxes of the THC drink each day. The complaint indicated that each box contains 12 drinks.