FEBRUARY 11, 2025 – 10:00 A.M.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Pennington County Board of Commissioners met in the Justice Center Board Room in Thief River Falls, MN, on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Members Present: Seth Nelson, Bruce Lawrence, Roy Sourdif, and Neil Peterson. Members absent: David Sorenson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sourdif and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The Chairman asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. The County Coordinator noted that the County Engineer has been added to the agenda at 10:25 a.m.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, to approve the agenda with the addition. Motion carried.
Recognition of Citizens: None.
Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, to approve the County Board minutes of January 28th, 2025, as written. Motion carried.
Motioned by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve the Auditor & Commissioner warrants and the following Commissioner warrants. Motion carried.
County Revenue $85,767.21
Road & Bridge $26,618.45
Solid Waste Facility $11,625.78
Meal reimbursements and per diems in the amount of $2,325.00 were also approved.
Seth Vettleson – County Sheriff
Sheriff Vettleson noted that Morris Electronics has evaluated some of their systems at the LEC and is recommending replacement of the data backup system and the firewall. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve quotes from Morris Electronics for the purchase of a new data backup system in the amount of $1,463.03, and a new firewall in the amount of $2,011.70; to be paid with 911 funds. Motion carried.
The Sheriff stated that the Governor has released his proposed budget and it contains funding cuts for the Sentence to Serve (STS) program. As a result, he has elected to no longer advertise for the position of STS Crew Leader. He noted that our current STS
Coordinator can handle the current inmate population. Commissioner Lawrence asked how Marshall County will respond as they share in the local STS program. The Sheriff stated he is unsure but noted that our local program currently consists of mainly State
inmates, and no inmates from Marshall County. The Law Enforcement Committee will meet on February 13, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. in the Justice Center Board Room to discuss issues such as the STS program and other funding concerns.
Kayla Jore – Pennington/Red Lake County Public Health & Home Care Director
Ms. Jore met with the Board to provide an update on the opioid settlement funding. The contracted and licensed addiction counselor from Sanford is currently working with 25- 30 kids in the local schools, mostly in the high schools, some of whom are dealing with addictions themselves or within their family. In the future they hope to use funding for community education and outreach. She noted that State cannabis funding dedicated for public health has been decreased but is enough for Quin County Community Health to hire a Health Educator. That position will be involved with opioid projects in their fivecounty service area. Community Strong is working to plan the next ‘Be The Voice’ event, mental health nights at local sports games, and to provide mental health children’s books to youth classes. With regard to local health, she noted that Influenza A cases are high this year, and cases of COVID-19 are up as well. They are hoping such cases peaked in January and are on the decline.
Ms. Jore noted that Colleen Martinson is a Registered Nurse in the area and is willing to serve on their Board to replace Elizabeth Jahn. Motioned by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner Peterson, to approve the appointment of Colleen Martinson
to the Pennington & Red Lake County Public Health & Home Care Board for a two-year term effective January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2026. Motion carried.
Mike Flaagan – County Engineer
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, to authorize the County Engineer to advertise for bids for fuel, equipment rental, and culverts for 2025, with bids to be opened on March 25, 2025, at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried.
Engineer Flaagan stated that the Highway Committee will meet virtually with Rinke Noonan and H2Over Viewers, LLC on February 12th to discuss CD#46 regrading, redetermination of benefits, outlet determination, etc. He noted that roughly three miles of the ditch has been looked at and repairs will be costly.
County Auditor-Treasurer Items: None.
County Coordinator Items:
Motioned by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Lawrence, to approve a quote by Arch3, LLC in the amount of $6,277.50 for documentation and archiving of the Auditorium to the standards of the MN Historic Property Record – Level 1. Discussion
followed with Coordinator Erickson noting that such documentation is part of our mitigation and course of action plan with the State Historic Preservation Office. He stated that Arch3, LLC could be on site by mid-March to begin work. Following discussion, the motion was carried.
Mr. Erickson noted that SEH, Inc. has reviewed the Government Center 3rd floor remodel project and is recommending final payment to Schmitz Builders, Inc. Following discussion, there was a motion by Commissioner Lawrence, seconded by Commissioner
Peterson, to approve final payment to Schmitz Builders, Inc. for the Government Center 3rd floor remodel project in the amount of $34,000, contingent on a HVAC training session and walk-through by the local subcontractors. Motion carried.
Commissioner Peterson asked that the County Coordinator obtain updated quotes for asbestos removal in the Auditorium.
County Attorney Items:
Interim County Attorney Nathan Haase informed the Board that he has scheduled a recruiting visit with the University of North Dakota on March 6, 2025, in regard to our search for Assistant County Attorney. Employers typically provide a lunch for students and about 25 are expected to attend. UND also asked about paid internship opportunities, and it was noted that the County Attorney’s office hosted interns in the past. Mr. Haase will provide more information and costs of the recruiting visit at the next Board meeting.
Committee Reports / Commissioner Updates:
Commissioner Peterson noted that State legislators are finally meeting and he is hopeful they will work together to get things done.
Motioned by Commissioner Peterson, seconded by Commissioner Nelson, to adjourn the Board meeting to February 25th, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Motion carried.
Kevin Erickson, Coordinator Roy Sourdif, Chairman
Pennington County Board of Commissioners
Warrants approved
on February 11, 2025
For Payment on February 14, 2025
Vendor Amount
JODI FLAAGAN $2,065.00
THE TIMES $2,213.90
50 PAYMENTS LESS THAN $2000 $15,839.84
Final Total: $90,011.44